The Molchem3™ process is a proprietary process which utilizes a sulfur recovery process. In this process, we sweeten the gas stream and produce elemental sulfur. Through our reactor-absorber tower, the process reacts H₂S in the presence of SO₂ which in turn produces free sulfur. The sweet residue will then be effectively dehydrated. The Carbon Dioxide stream in the gas phase does not impact the reaction mechanism. Therefore, we are not having chemical uptake associated with the CO₂ stream, which makes the process more efficient.


The Molchem3™ process is ideal for producers that have consistent sulfur issues that require more capacity than a bubble tower, but not nearly enough to support an amine system. Molchem3™ takes advantage of lower operating and energy cost compared. It also allows great flexibility in variable volume, as well as H₂S levels, while not affecting economics. Fast application build/delivery, while maintaining the economics of a regenerative chemistry with best in industry downtime. Molchem3™ has a proprietary automation system which controls contact time based on H₂S levels, gas flow, and oxidation potential. Greatly reduce H₂S and VOC emissions to help change the climate footprint.

How It Works

1. Conversion to sulfur

In one step, gas is sweetened, and its sulfur compounds are converted to elemental sulfur.

2. Dehydration

The sweet residue gas is dehydrated.

3. Insensitivity

The process is virtually insensitive to CO₂.

4. Adaptability

It is adaptable to a complete range of H₂S content.

5. Replaces Claus process

It can replace the Claus process in converting off-gases from sweetening processes of various types. It is especially effective where the CO₂ content is high and does not need to be reduced.

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Benefits SulfurRegen MolChem3 Triazine Amine
Low Operating Cost
Low Energy Consumption
Low Chem Consumption
<2,000 lbs/S day
>2,000 lbs/S day
No Fall Out
Permanent Reaction
Fast Application Delivery
Non-Hazardous Reagent
Minimal Waste
Variable Volume Capability
Adapts to Process Variability
Easily Added to Existing Systems
Mitigates Scaling and Fouling
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