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MolChem3 Product Info

Sebastian Guenther • April 1, 2022

The MolChem3™ process is a proprietary process which utilizes a sulfur recovery process. In this process, we sweeten the gas stream and produce elemental sulfur. Through our reactor-absorber tower, the process reacts H2S in the presence of SO2 which in turn produces free sulfur. The sweet residue will then be effectively dehydrated. The Carbon Dioxide stream in the gas phase does not impact the reaction mechanism. Therefore we are not having chemical uptake associated with the CO2 stream, which makes the process more efficient.

The MolChem3™ process is ideal for producers that have consistent sulfur issues that require more capacity than a typical bubble tower, but not nearly enough to support an amine system. MolChem3™ takes advantage of lower operating and energy cost compared. Also allows great flexibility in variable volume, as well as H2S levels, while not affecting economics. Fast application build/delivery, while maintaining the economics of a regenerative chemistry with best in industry downtime. MolChem3™ has a proprietary automation system which controls contact time based on H2S levels, gas flow, and oxidation potential. Greatly reduce CO2 and VOC emissions to help change the climate footprint. 


2H2S + SO2   ->   3S + 2H2O




  • Reactor-Absorber tower will react with H 2S in presence of SO2 to produce free S
  • Sweet residue will be effectively dehydrated
  • CO2 stream does not impact reaction
By Sebastian Guenther April 1, 2022
lab procedure
By Sebastian Guenther April 1, 2022
lab procedure
By Sebastian Guenther April 1, 2022
Vap-X™ Oil Blend has been formulated to greatly reduce H2S and CO2 in an oil stream with excess water.. It can reduce the oil H2S and CO2 by 50-70%. When acid gas is present the water phase tends to be at acidic levels. VapX™ Oil Blend is engineered to neutralize the acids thereby converting the H2S out of the sulfide phase. In many battery applications water plays a main role in causing scale especially when a high pH chemical is introduced to mitigate the H2S. Vap-X Oil Blend proprietary blend has a chemical that inhibits the fallout of precipitants even at an elevated pH. It also has a corrosion inhibitor built into the chemistry as well. A static mixer is used to apply the chemistry and allow the chemistry to migrate thru the oil column. . Vap-X™ Oil Blend is best utilized in high H2S concentrations with with water being present. The dosing rate is based on volume of liquid flow rate therefore it is ideal to be used via a automative pump. Vap-X™ 3 OIl Blend also has a proprietary chemical additive that acts as a corrosion inhibitor.
By Sebastian Guenther April 1, 2022
Vap-X™ 3 Phase has been formulated to greatly reduce H2S and CO2 in an oil, water, and gas system. It effectively reduces all three streams by 50-70% of its H2S and CO2. The product adjust the pH of the water from the acidic phase to a neutral pH once the reaction is complete. Vap-X™ 3 Phase is engineered with a higher RVP allowing the treatment of the gas phase via gas partitioning. The chemical is applied utilizing a static mixer via a commingled stream (oil, gas, and water) allowing for turbulent mixing between the three phases. A critical aspect of the treatment is the mixing energy to make sure all the molecules have contact with the solution. With very minimal capital expenditure this product will show how it can impact a field. Bring shut-in production back online with ability to treat previously thought to be uneconomical wells to produce. Vap-X™ 3 Phase is best utilized in high H2S concentrations with consistent liquid flow. The dosing rate is based on volume of liquid flow rate and water volume where pH is controlled to help mitigate fallout from occurring. Vap-X™ 3 Phase also has a proprietary chemical additive that acts as a corrosion inhibitor.
By Sebastian Guenther April 1, 2022
Apcotane H20TM has been formulated to mitigate H2S and CO2 with minimal dosage. The product changes the pH of the water from acidic to neutral. This is when H2S is no longer in the sulfide phase. The product also is built to be able to help maintain a neutral pH therefore not allowing for fallout of precipitants. Apcotane H2OTM is stream dependent not ppm-dependent, so dosage is based on the stream of the water. The critical aspect of the treatment is the mixing energy to make sure all the molecules have contact with the solution. The product targets all organic and inorganic sulfides such as mercaptans and iron sulfide. Apcotane H2OTM has many different applications in the oil and gas industry. Chemistry was built to deal with produced and fracking water.
By Sebastian Guenther April 1, 2022
One of the first concerns from Taprock about our products is that they have an elevated pH. As we discussed, Apollo has taken the next step with its Vap-XTM Oil Blend product formulating to be oil-soluble. This breakthrough product allows the H2S to be mitigated, still utilizing the organic molecule to form a covalent bond with bisulfate in the crude stream. Additional patented chemistry is added to insure no fallout in either the oil or water phase. Furthermore, Vap-X Oil Blend has a low specific gravity, allowing it to blend better with the incoming oil streams. Lastly, a pH around 7 in the crude stream, actually is at the ideal level to maximizes Vap-XTM Oil Blend treating goals: 1. Lower chemical usage 2. NO precipitation 3. Meet H2S pipeline specs. During our site visit a couple of weeks ago, we received a sample from well #114 at the Gipple CTB. The raw H2S level was 12,000 ppm. Based on 3rd party testing by SPL, we were able to achieve under 10 ppm. However we feel with treating the comingled stream with Vap-X 3 Phase Blend directly will improve H2S crude specs for the entire CTB. We also recommend a couple of upgrades to improve treating at the Gipple CTB. With upcoming construction planned, we recommend the addition of two static mixers, one right after separation with a primary injection point and the second one before the VRU with a secondary injection point. Finally, running the heater treater at around 120°F should improve treating speed and efficiency. Both improvements should enhance treating all three phases. 
By Sebastian Guenther April 1, 2022
Apollo started treating for Parsley on 11/20/2020. At first Apollo started on Whiskey River 19.5 and Whiskey River 5.8. Both of these batteries are in the upper limits of H2S for Parsley. WR 19.5 runs between 80,000-120,000 ppm of H2S and the WR 5.8 runs between 40,000-50,000 ppm of H2S. Apollo treated these wells successfully for 6 months with its patented Apcotane™ product. As Parsley was transitioning into Pioneer Apollo received 14 additional batteries 1. Pecan State B-CH 2. Pecan State C-FH 3. Redbud State KH 4. Redbud State MH 5. Trees Ranch 35-38H 6. Trees State 14-15H 7. Trees State 23-26H 8. Trees State 24-25H 9. Trees State 29-28H 10. Trees State 50-47H 11. Trees State 52-53H 12. UTL Section 30 CTB H 13. UTL Section 44H TB 14. Whiskey River 59H Apollo brought these batteries online at the end of May 2021. Apollo has successfully been able to treat and meet spec over this time frame. Treating these batteries is a unique application in that there is no sales tank. Meaning treatment is applied and then recontaminated with H2S laden oil. For example, the UTL 44 has an oil load line and the lact line a few feet apart but the same height as the tanks. This created a situation in which the oil would have to be overtreated at the circulating pump due to Apcotane™ high specific of gravity. If chemistry was applied on load line, chemistry would not get proper mixing and would fall to bottom of gun barrel tank and into the water cut. Due to this, Apollo did see some issues with the water phase becoming an elevated PH and having solids fall out. Apollo along with Jonathon Poe of Parsley/Pioneer made some suggestions of adding a sales tank. Due to timing they decided not to go with this application. Apollo and Pioneer agreed to add static mixers which would help the mixing capabilities and greatly reduce/eliminate unspent Apcotane™ going in the water column. Static Mixers (for WR 19.5, WR 5.8, UTL 30, UTL 44 and WR 59H) were spec’d and ordered for the aforementioned batteries. With the timing of the purchase by Continental these mixers have not been deployed in the field. Apollo also has an additional oilsoluble chemistry (Vap-X™ Oil Blend) that it has deployed with the Trees 24-25 and Trees 23-26 for over a month since the Continental purchase. The chemistry is working very well with zero issues. We feel with the use of the Vap-X™ Oil Blend chemistry along with the static mixers we would be able to greatly reduce dosage rates as well as adverse problems associated with the application. The UTL 30 and UTL 44 oil production has fallen off drastically since Apollo treatment ceased. Based on the numbers Apollo feels it could bring roughly an additional 3500 bbl. online per day at UTL 44 now utilizing Vap-X™ Oil blend as well as an additional 1500 bbl. at the UTL 30. This increase of 5,000 bbl. a day could be realized immediately. Also, the specs of the oil when Apollo was treating was 100 ppm that has since been adjusted to 1000 ppm which would be a cost benefit to Continental. Apollo is a research and development company that is always striving for continued improvement in our chemistry. Apollo has a state-of-the-art private lab that allows our research scientist to develop and test chemical advancements. Apollo does not offer any off the shelf products that are relabeled. Apollo currently has nine domestic patents, three international patents along with fifty international patents pending. The company also has eleven more patents either in the provisional or pending stage. Apollo sources and blends all its patented and proprietary chemistry in house. Apollo’s chemistry is ground-breaking in the scavenging world in that they have between 20:1 and 40:1 molar ratio when dealing with H2S or CO2. Most other scavengers are 2:1 or best-case scenario 3:1 that is why Apollo’s suite of chemistry utilizes low dosage rates which in turn have the best pricing per bbl. treated. This also will be demonstrated on the dosage comparison sheet. This is an update on the current applications as well as the future applications that Apollo/Pioneer discussed.
By Sebastian Guenther April 1, 2022
Produced water and Hydrocarbons containing soluble and vapor phase H2S (Hydrogen Sulfide)
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